January 13, 2010

Procrastination Station

Hello and welcome to 'Third Time's a Charm.' You may be wondering where this title came from and I can't blame you. Truth is this is my third attempt at starting a blog. I know what you're thinking, "Tim had two blogs before this?" Yes I have and man oh man did they flop. It got me thinking today, "Why? Why did both 'A Blog. Sort Of.' and 'That Sort of Blog' fail so miserably?" It didn't take me long to realize why both of my previous attempts failed. The combination of laziness and simply forgetting will mess you up pretty good in the world of blogging. And when I say forgetting I don't mean forgetting to post so much as forgetting I even have a blog. If you would've asked me yesterday how many blogs I have tried to start I would've said one. It wasn't until I opened my blogger account today that I realized I had actually tried to start a blog twice. Pretty, pretty, pretty sad.

This led me to start thinking about blogging once again. I started wondering why anyone would want to blog at all? It could be that people want to keep friends informed of what's going on in their life or they need a creative outlet. Or maybe some people just need something to do. These reasons are all appealing but, sadly none of them have kept me blogging in the past. I needed a new reason. Then it hit me: I am a student and I need to procrastinate. It was a stroke of honest genius! What would I rather do on a Tuesday night, study or write loads of bullshit about my life? I'll take the latter any day. So I dove in. I have rededicated myself to blogging. I have full faith that I can keep this up because here I sit unmotivated, lazy, and bored with more important things I should be doing. Sounds like I'm ready to take blogging to new heights.

Come on back once a week or maybe more to enjoy the liquid gold flowing from my finger tips into Third Time's a Charm.


  1. I'm so excited. You've been added to my growing list of feeds from camp staff's blogs.

  2. Timmy, a word from experience: blogs are never good if you don't have something better to do. The thrill of procrastination leads to creative genius. So...I'm excited!

  3. In anticipation of your failure, I'm going to create multiple blogs that cleverly feature the word forth or four. So that you will never attempt this train wreck again.

    Suck it.

    maybe i should start a blog..
